eBro - Online version 2015_vfinal
More andmorewe areasked topresent our company, business philosophy, and team to prospective customers. This increasingly occurswithin a presentation setting.Within this environment, we have a finite periodof time tomakea connectionwith the customer and createa desire on their part towork with us. FacilitatedbyPaul Grunau, this oneday coursewill provide participantswith both strategy and tactics to improve theeffectiveness of their presentations and getmorewins.
APi GroupHQ: September 15th, 2015
Company representatives that are involved in thepreparationand delivery of presentations to customers; ineither a one-on-oneor group setting.
[After attending] I amable tocreatemoreappealingpro- posals for our customer base andestablish competitive advantages
- CourseParticipant
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